Outdated translations are marked like this.
Prima di giocare a Feed the Beast, assicurati di:
- Avere comprato Minecraft dal sito Mojang e aver creato un account.
- Istallare Minecraft ed avviarlo almeno una volta per riscontrare se ci sono problemi con il tuo computer.
Installare il launcher
Dopo avre istallato Minecraft sei pronto ad istallare il Launcher.
- Vai sul sito di FTB e scarica il filee .exe da here. Sono disponibili anche un file .jar per gli utenti di Mac e Linux.
- Metti il file .exe in una nuova cartella nel tuo computer.
- RAvvia il file .exe. La prima volta che lo si istalla potrebbero volerci alcuni minuti.
- Clicca sul pulsante OPTIONS e scegli dove voler salvare i file, modificare la quantità di RAM da dare a FTB, modificare la posizione/grandezza della finestra.
- Crea un profilo usando il tuo username di Minecraft (o la e-mail di Mojang) e la tua password.
Choosing a modpack
There are many FTB modpacks, as listed here. The FTB App can also be used to install CurseForge modpacks as well.
Installing an FTB modpack
- In the app's main window click on the magnifying glass icon on the left.
- Click on one of the modpacks. The app will show an overview of the modpack. Click on the "Mods" tab to view a list the mods that make up that modpack.
- Once you have chosen your modpack, click the "Install" button.
- Wait as the app downloads and installs the modpack.
- Once it finished installing, click the "Play" button.
- Enjoy playing Feed the Beast!
Installing a CurseForge modpack
- In the app's main window click on the magnifying glass icon on the left, then click on the CurseForge icon next to the search box.
- Click on one of the modpacks. The app will show an overview of the modpack. Click on the "Mods" tab to view a list the mods that make up that modpack.
- Once you have chosen your modpack, click the "Install" button.
- Wait as the app downloads and installs the modpack.
- Once it finished installing, click the "Play" button.
- Enjoy playing Feed the Beast!
Guida alle Mod
- Impara Advanced Genetics
- Getting Started with AgriCraft
- AgriCraft Crossbreeding
- Getting Started with Applied Energistics 2
- Starting a ME Network
- AE2 Channel Surfing
- Impara Blood Magic
- Getting Started with Blood Magic before Minecraft 1.8+
- Getting started with Botania
- Impara BuidCraft
- Impara BuildCraft 4
- Impara BuildCraft 4 Pipes
- Impara ComputerCraft
- Getting Started with Draconic Evolution
- Reactor Guide
- Impara Factorization
- Impara Forestry
- Impara l'apicultura in Forestry
- Impara (Forestry - Alveari)
- Confronto tra i tipi di frame e bee housing
- Getting Started with Farms in Forestry
- Getting Started with Flaxbeard's Steam Power
- Getting Started with GregTech 5
- GregTech 5 Crops
- GregTech 5 Electricity
- Mining and Processing with GregTech 5
- Mod Compatibility with GregTech 5
- Getting Started with GregTech 6
- GregTech 6 API Modding Guide
- Getting Started with Immersive Engineering
- Impara IndustrialCraft
- IndustrialCraft 2 Classic Changes
- Getting Started with Logistics Pipes
- Impara Mystcraft
- Getting Started with Mystcraft for versions below 0.10
- Impara RailCraft
- Impara la gestione in RailCraft
- Unire i cart
- Alta velocità
- Impara RedPower 2
- Getting Started with Steamcraft2
- Steamcraft2 Technical Information
- Mod Compatibility with Steamcraft2
- Impara Steve's Carts
- Impara (Steve's Carts - Treefarm)
- Impara Thaumcraft 3
- Impara Thaumcraft 4
- Getting Started with TheBackWoods
- Impara Twilight Forest
- Impara thermal Expansion per Minecrfat 1.5 e precedenti
- Impara Thermal Expansion per Minecraft 1.6 e successive
- Impara Tinkers'Construct
- Impara Tinkers'Steelworks
- Impara Witchery
- Performing Voodoo in Witchery
- Performing Circle Magic and Infusions in Witchery
- Performing Symbol Magic in Witchery
- Conjurations and Fetishes with Witchery
- Mutational Magic with Witchery
- Impara MineTweaker 2
- How to Use MineTweaker 3
- Using MineTweaker and Vanilla
- Using MineTweaker and Avaritia
- HD Capes and Skins
- Mod Compatibility (MineFactory Reloaded)
- Metallurgy 3 Metal Information
- Shitting bricks with OpenBlocks
Modpack guides
- BnB Tips from Eyamaz
- Getting Started with FTB Revelation
- Impara il Magic Farm Modpack
- Getting Started with the Magic Farm 2 Modpack
- Getting Started with the Age of Engineering Modpack
- FTB Pyramid Reborn Run-through Guide
Other guides
These guides are not mod or modpack specific.
- Comparison of programming mods
- List of Furnaces
- List of Ore multiplying methods
- List of modded acronyms