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这是一篇由社区编写的教程,来帮助玩家熟悉Minecraft 1.8以上的{{L|血魔法}}
这是一篇由社区编写的教程,来帮助玩家熟悉Minecraft 1.10和1.12版本的{{L|血魔法}}

Revision as of 11:58, 8 May 2022

这是一篇由社区编写的教程,来帮助玩家熟悉Minecraft 1.10和1.12版本的血魔法


只要你收集到一些红石, 铁锭金锭青金石和几个钻石就可以开始发展学魔法了。但是如果你想要更深入地研究这个mod,需要的材料……可能会多一些。


该mod最显著的新特性是Demonic Will。你可以通过合成Rudimentary Snare并把它扔(右键)到敌对生物身上(猪不算数,不管它们有多烦人)。当你看见它们出现粒子效果时,你就有一小段时间来杀死它们了。当他们有效果时杀掉它们会掉落不同数量的恶魔灵气。灵气的强弱是很随机的,但同时它也是与你杀死的怪物血量有关的。所以末影人会比蜘蛛掉落更强大的灵气。


首先,你需要一个Hellfire Forge。在JEI中查找合成表,默认版本需要一个Block of Gold和一些其他材料。这就是我们灵气的用途。拿上一个大一点的灵气(最少 1.0个),把它放到最右边的槽里(“燃料”槽)。现在,在左边的槽里,外面四个角里是你的输入,中间是你的输出。把Redstone, Glass, Gold Ingot, 和Lapis Lazuli放在四个输入槽里。它应该产出Petty Tartaric Gem。这基本上就是用来储存灵气的。

然而,在我们开始做任何事情之前,请把你刚才制作的"塔尔塔宝石"放回狱火熔炉的输入槽之一,并把一把铁剑放入另一个输入槽里。恭喜,你现在有一个Sentient Sword了。这个有用的工具能做几件事情。首先,它杀死的一切生物都会掉落恶魔魂魄,不用再折腾捕魂网了。第二,你身上带着的魂魄越多,它就会造成越多伤害。挺好的一把剑。


如果你还有剩下的恶魔魂魄,你可以合成你的Blood Altar。如果你从来不用纯的恶魔魂魄,将来就很容易就忘了怎么合成了。我也忘了你可以存起你的塔塔尔宝石,用感知之剑直接获取纯的恶魔魂魄




Your Lesser Tartaric Gem is the next tier and it's gonna require a Diamond, Block of Lapis Lazuli, Block of Redstone, and a Petty Tartaric Gem, and it's gonna require 60 will in your gem (nearly full), and 20 will shall be consumed from it. While the Petty Tartaric Gem can store 64 will, the Lesser Tartaric Gem can store 256.

Blood for the Blood Altar​

Now comes time for a part of the mod which users migrating from 1.7.10 will be all too familiar with: cutting yourself to make LP to make slates with. However, there's a few new tools to help you get through this stage of your life faster, let's go over them.

The Coat of Arms and the Bloodletter's Pack are back. Coat of Arms will absorb a very small amount of blood when you engage in combat. The Bloodletter's Pack will passively harm you and store LP in the pack, but it won't bring you down below half health. Keep in mind the two armors will not get any benefit from any runes nearby, so they aren't the most efficient. Still, passive LP gain is passive.

The Incense Altar is new to 1.8+, and is an amazing thing. Basically, you're going to want to put this outside, with lots of different types of things around. The more different things, the better off you are. Grass, Tilled Dirt, Water, trees... go nuts. The tier 1 incense burner can have stuff in a 3x3 radius affect this. Then, you take your Sacrificial Dagger/Orb and mediate at the Incense Burner for a moment and come back to the Blood Altar to use it. In one shot, you'll see roughly 90% of your health gone, and you'll get a bonus multiplier of LP based on some complex formula that is based on how many different things are around your altar.

Once you get to higher tier altars, you can start creating paths to increase the radius around the incense burner that can affect the multiplier bonus you get, thus increasing said multiplier. You can find more details here

A Blood Mage's... orbs​

Your orbs are one of your most useful tools. They are used frequently in crafting various tools of the trade, and are also used in storing LP in your soul network. Crafting one is relatively straightforward. Congratulations. Higher-tier orbs need higher-tier altars to create them with, different types of items, and increasingly large amounts of LP. See the following pages on the Blood Orbs (in order of ascending tier):

  • Weak Blood Orb
  • Apprentice Blood Orb
  • Magician's Blood Orb
  • Master Blood Orb
  • Archmage's Blood Orb
  • Transcendent Blood Orb

Building and improving your Blood Altar​

Your Altar is more than just a single block. Well, okay, your tier 1 altar is, but if you wish to delve into the Dark Arts further, you will need to create a suitably impressive altar.

Your Tier 2 altar shouldn't be too difficult; you just need a ring of eight Blank Runes around the base of your altar, one block below the level of the altar itself. Simple and straightforward, right? Well, creating Blank Runes requires Blank Slates, which are crafted from a block of Stone and 1k LP from your blood altar. And you're going to need LOTS of these. This is where this mod gets its (somewhat deserved) reputation for being "grindy."

Successive tiers require more and more complicated and expensive architectural designs. You can find the details here.

The more intelligent of you may have noticed that I've referenced a 'Blank Rune', which probably means there are runes which are not, in fact, blank. Very astute of you, and quite correct. Runes can be used to increase the efficiency or capacity of your blood altar that you are crafting. Common runes include:

  • Rune of Self-Sacrifice. Makes your Sacrificial Dagger give you more LP. Combo with an Incense Burner for impressive synergy.
  • Rune of Sacrifice. If you prefer to shed other's blood instead of your own, this will make your sacrifices produce more LP. Very handy when combined with the Well of Suffering ritual, or possibly a dark room situated above your altar to have a steady supply of victims handy.
  • Rune of Capacity. Increases the amount of LP that your altar can store. Very handy when crafting those higher tiered orbs, or other projects which call for extreme amounts of LP.
  • Speed Rune. This helps your LP infusion happen faster. Very useful if your LP supply can handle it.

There are others, but these will get you started.

Auras and will

Once you have sufficiently advanced in your path, you will unlock the ability to manipulate the aura, which is to say, the wills infused in the very air around you. There are two important blocks involved in this process, the Demon Crucible and the Demon Crystallizer, both of which are made in the Hellfire Forge.

As you start crystallizing will, you may also discover that there are different types of will in the world. About 90% of the ambient will is the raw will you have been working with. But every so often, you'll crystallize something different. There's four other types of wills: Corrosive, Destructive, Steadfast, and Vengeful.

You can also combine one of these types of will crystals with a tartaric gem to store that type of will. Using different types of will may affect your Sentient gear.

Alchemical Arrays made easy, by Alphonse Elric​

There's another new crafting mechanic. To get started, we'll need some Arcane Ash. That's going to require Redstone, Bone Meal, Gunpowder, and Coal in your Hellfire Forge. Don't worry, this stuff is multi-use, so you'll only need one pile of ash to begin with.

When making an alchemical array, you have three things: The basic transmutation circle, the reagent, and the binding item being infused. Let's start with the trusty Divination Sigil.

We're going to need our Arcane Ash, a piece of Redstone, and a Blank Slate. Go out to a wide open area (preferably 5x5) that is able to see the sky. Right click your arcane ash on the ground, you should see a basic no-frills transmutation circle. Now right-click the redstone dust onto it. You should see the transmutation circle change, with a little eye in the middle. Now right-click with the Blank Slate. You'll get a pretty little cinematic, and voila! Your Divination Sigil is ready.

All of your sigils are made in a similar fashion.

Living Armor: all your enhancements are belong to us​

This suit of armor replaces the Bound Armor which, frankly... was probably the most powerful suit of armor you could craft in 1.7.10. Sorry, but this armor does not make you invincible. However, it does have some very interesting properties which you can go over.

First off, you're going to need a Tier 3 Blood Altar to get to this, because you're going to need a Common Tartaric Gem which needs a Reinforced Slate to create, and a whole pile of Will. The reason you're going to need the Common Tartaric Gem is that you need a minimum of 400 will in your Hellfire Forge to craft the Binding Reagent needed for your Alchemical Array. Fortunately, it only drains 10 will at a time. Also, it does you no good to only make some of the pieces, you need all four equipped to gain any additional benefit, so you're going to need a minimum of 440 will before you proceed.

Living Armor is made in an Alchemical Array, using your Arcane Ash, a Binding Reagent, then a piece of Iron armor of the appropriate type to get a piece of Living Armor of that type. You'll also notice that this ritual is somewhat more... dramatic... than when you made your Divination Sigil. That's why I said earlier you're going to want at least a 5x5 clear area with access to open sky to use your alchemical arrays in.

This armor will self-upgrade based on your actions. So, if you are clumsy and keep falling down and taking fall damage, your armor might adapt and be able to protect you somewhat from fall damage. Those who use self-sacrifice may find their armor adapting to this method of generating LP and help you be more efficient in doing so. There's a lot of different things it can do, with the full list being found here.

PROTIP: Living Armor, unlike the Bound Armor of previous versions, takes damage, just like regular armor does. You can repair it by using a Binding Reagent in an Anvil. The armor can also be enchanted with the Repairing enchant so that it will consume experience to repair itself. ​

So, you want to be a bit more specific as to which enhancements you want on your armor? Well, there's a ritual for that. It's called the Sound of the Cleansing Soul, and it'll take all of your enhancements and pop them off, returning them in item form as Upgrade Tomes, which cannot otherwise be crafted. This allows you to mix n match to your heart's content.

Oh, there's another ritual you should be aware of. The Ritual of Living Evolution increases your number of upgrade points from 100 to 300.

Ritualistic practices​

Since we've mentioned Rituals a few times, perhaps now is a good time to explain a bit more about them.

Basically, a Ritual is going to require a large area, because it's going to be a large multiblock structure that is going to produce an effect. Some of them are small, like the Serenade of the Nether which creates Lava source blocks in exchange for LP, whereas some of them are significantly larger, such as the Sound of the Cleansing Soul I mentioned earlier.

First, you're going to need a Master Ritual Stone, which requires ritual stones and some other fun toys.

The next thing you need... well, TECHNICALLY you don't need it, but only a fool will do rituals without one, is the Ritual Diviner. This thing is your hot ticket to making sure you never screw up the placement of the ritual stones, because you shift-right click around until you find the ritual you want, then spam the master ritual stone. For the cost of LP, it will automatically place the proper ritual stones in their proper order, assuming the way has been made clear for it.

You will need to upgrade your ritual diviner if you want to use Dawn or Dusk ritual stones.

Once your ritual stones have been properly placed, you need a way to activate it, for this, you need a weak activation crystal, which is obtained by taking a Lava Crystal (which is a handy way of running a furnace off of LP) and putting it in a Tier 3+ blood altar with at least 10,000 LP. Don't forget to right-click to bind it to yourself.

Alchemical dabbling

A sufficiently advanced dabbler in the arts will discover that the crude potion brewing system can be significantly refined to produce many useful products, resources, and other such things. Many of these alchemical compounds will be necessary as you progress down the path of the blood mage. Some will even be able to augment the rituals you already have in various ways. This is, however, going beyond the scope of a beginner's guide, and so I shall simply leave it for you to discover on your own. JEI should be a help here.

In conclusion​

It's quite fascinating how this mod has evolved. I think the author has learned a lot of lessons from the issues arising from the previous version and made a much improved mod which I quite enjoy playing with.

There's still quite a bit to the mod I haven't covered here, but this should be enough to at least get you started.

See also


  • This guide was originally created by ShneekeyTheLost. It has been adopted by this wiki.

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