The Force Wrench is a machine configuration tool added by DartCraft. It is able to functions like any wrench and can also rotate vanilla blocks such as Pistons. The Force Wrench can convert any inventory blocks (Chest, Gold Chest, Pulverizer, Macerator, MFSU, etc.) into an item and retain all of its upgrades, contained items, energy and settings. It will not despawn when dropped on the ground. To prevent player-protected blocks from being moved around it will not work with immutable objects such as warded blocks.
Serializing items like ME Drives with large inventories may send packets above the maximum size that can be transmitted between the client and server and cause the server to crash. Restarting will not work if the chunk is loaded and player data will have to be cleared and/or worldedit action must be taken.
Force Panel· Force Panel Mk2· Force Furnace· Force Generator· Force Grinder· Force Crusher· Force Extractor· Storage Unit· Force Engine· Force Infuser· Forcechine Block· Bane Torch· Heat Torch· Healing Torch· Time Torch· Force Transport Pipe
Force Slab· Force Brick· Force Stairs· Force Log· Force Planks· Force Leaves· Forceaflouge Block· Force Torch
Power Ore· Nether Ore· Force Gem· Tear· Claw· Raw Bacon· Claw· Small Pile of Gunpowder· Red Chu Jelly· Green Chu Jelly· Blue Chu Jelly· Gold Chu Jelly
Force Ingot· Force Nugget· Force Plate· Force Stick· Golden Power Source· Cooked Lambchop· Liquid Force· Soul Wafer· Force Sapling· Roc's Feather· Cooked Bacon· Snow Cookie· Dart Iron
Force Shard· Force Rod· Force Gear· Inert Core· Spoils Bag· Tile Box· Force Flask· Treasure Core· Force Pack Upgrade· Storage Unit Upgrade· Magic Jar· Large Magic Jar· Recovery Heart· Upgrade Core· Fortune Cookie· Fortune· Item Card· Force Arrow
Force Armor
Cap· Tunic· Kilt· Boots
Clipboard· Force Pack· Ender Pack· Experience Tome· Upgrade Tome· Force Sword· Force Pickaxe· Force Axe· Force Shovel· Force Bow· Force Shears· Force Wrench· Force Mitts· Force Hammer· Power Saw· Power Drill· Magnet Glove· Book of Mudora· Life Card· Darkness Card· Undeath Card· Baconator