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This page is about the Flintlock Blunderbuss added by Flaxbeard's Steam Power. For other uses, see Flintlock Blunderbuss.
Flintlock Blunderbuss

ModFlaxbeard's Steam Power

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Flaxbeard's Steam Power Information
Journal entry Flintlock Blunderbuss
Using a larger brass barrel with modified musket mechanisms makes for an interesting combination, I call it a blunderbuss. This device shoots multiple inaccurate shots at once, allowing me to hit many foes.
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The Flintlock Blunderbuss is a ranged weapon from the Flaxbeard's Steam Power mod. It requires Musket Cartridges to function. The cartridges must be in the player's inventory at time of reloading. To reload, the player must hold down the use key. Then, once reloaded, it can be aimed with the same key, and released to shoot. It must be reloaded between each shot. The blast will deal roughly 25 damage, depending on how far away the entity is. It shoots several blasts in a spread out fashion, allowing it to hit many enemies at once.



The Flintlock Blunderbuss can be upgraded in the [ Engineering Table. Upgrades can be installed in the only available upgrade slot. It can be upgraded with a Blaze Barrel, Bolt Action, or Recoil Pad. Only one upgrade can be used on a blunderbuss at a time.

Upgrade New Blunderbuss Name Effect

Blaze Barrel

Blazing Flintlock Blunderbuss
Light entities on fire.

Bolt Action

Bolt Action Flintlock Blunderbuss
Greatly reduce reload times.

Recoil Pad

Padded Flintlock Blunderbuss
Reduce knockback and recoil, while also increasing accuracy.
