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Feed The Beast Wiki
Flash Boiler Component

ModFlaxbeard's Steam Power
TypeSolid block
Blast resistance6
Technical details
First appearance0.21.5

The Flash Boiler Component is a block from the Flaxbeard's Steam Power mod. It is used in the construction of the Flash Boiler. 8 Components are needed to build a single structure.



Version history
0.21.5ADDITION: Flash Boiler
0.250BUGFIX: Flash Boiler explosions no longer crash servers
BUGFIX: Fixed Flash Boiler texture when running
0.251BUGFIX: Boiler/Flash Boiler burning/off sync has been fixed.
BUGFIX: Flash Boiler now has the intended capacity, and should therefore generate pressure at a much faster rate.
0.252BUGFIX: Fixed critical Flash Boiler bug
0.26.1BUGFIX: Fixed lag issue with Flash Boiler
0.27.4FIX: (allaryin) Server crash bug with Valve Pipe and Flash Boiler
0.290FIX: Flash Boiler now properly updates the heat countdown (#272).
0.292FIX: Flash Boiler filling bug preventing the user from filling outside of the GUI (screw, right clicking with a water container, etc) (#390)
