Mod | PrimalCore |
Type | Mechanic |
Flaking is a crafting mechanic added by PrimalCore. It is performed by "hitting" items against rocks of appropriate hardness.
"name" = ""Navbox PrimalCore""
"state" = ""plain""
v · d · ePrimalCore |
| Blocks |
| Functional Blocks | -
Work Table - Work Table Slab
Slats -
Wattle -
Mud Brick Hibachi -
Storage Crate - Shelf
- Drying Rack
- Fish Trap
- Ash Bin
- Grate
- Drain
Lantern -
Torch -
Netherrack Torch -
Dirt Pressure Plate -
Grass Pressure Plate -
Glass Pressure Plate -
Netherrack Pressure Plate -
Corypha Pressure Plate -
Ironwood Pressure Plate -
Lacquer Pressure Plate -
Thatch Pressure Plate -
Soul Glass Pressure Plate -
Lever -
Netherrack Lever | | Resources | -
Ovis Atre Wool -
Ash Pile -
Ash Layer -
Paraffin Earth Wax -
Calcified Paraffin -
Terra Clay -
Cinis Clay -
Soft Mud Block -
Limestone Stone -
Ferrocalcite Stone -
Corypha Segment -
Stripped Corypha Segment -
Corypha Plank -
Ironwood Log -
Ironwood Plank -
Netherstone -
Loam -
Netjry Salt Flat -
Halite Salt Ore -
Fire Salt Ore -
Void Salt Ore | | Plants | -
Rushes -
Corn Stalk -
Strangle Weed -
Cuscuta Inferum -
Equisetum Cineris -
Searing Lace -
Sinuous Weed -
Valus Omniferum -
Equisetum Inanis | | Metals | -
Brass Block -
Bronze Block -
Copper Block -
Lead Block -
Pig Iron Block -
Silver Block -
Tin Block -
Vanadium Block -
Wootz Steel Block -
Zinc Block -
Steel Block -
Tamahagane Block | | Decorative Blocks | - Wattle and Daub
Grass Stairs -
Grass Path Stairs -
Nether Dirt Stairs -
Nether Dirt Path Stairs -
Thatch -
Packed Dirt Brick -
Dried Mud Block -
Ciniscotta Brick -
Terracotta Brick -
Sarsen Stone -
Sarsen Brick -
Chiseled Sarsen Stone -
Mysterious Sarsen Stone -
Limestone Flagstone -
Limestone Brick -
Dirt Stairs -
Netherrack Stairs -
Corypha Stairs -
Ironwood Stairs -
Limestone Flagstone Stairs -
Ferrocalcite Flagstone Stairs -
Mossy Cobblestone Stairs -
Mossy Stonebrick Stairs -
Soulstone Stairs -
Lacquer Stairs -
Netherrack Wall -
Netherstone Wall -
Limestone Flagstone Wall -
Ferrocalcite Flagstone Wall -
Ironwood Fence -
Corypha Fence -
Lacquer Fence | | Miscelanious | -
Ironwood Leaves -
Dead Bush -
Jack o'Lantern |
| | | | Miscelanious |
| | | Concepts | - Vanilla Changes in PrimalCore
- Flaking