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This page is about the Pocket Crafting Table added by Charset. For other uses, see Pocket Crafting Table.
Pocket Crafting Table

Required modulesmisc.pocketcraft

The Pocket Crafting Table is an item added by Charset, based off the Pocket Crafting Table added by Factorization. Right-clicking with the item in hand will open the player's inventory with an added Crafting Table and a new output slot. The right 3x3 slots of the inventory that are darker will function as a crafting grid.

Charset Pocket Crafting Table

Crafting a Pocket Crafting Table in a Pocket Crafting Table.

Under the output, there are three buttons:

  • Empty grid: this will move the items in the 3x3 crafting slots elsewhere in the inventory. Pressing X will also trigger this button.
  • Swirl items: this will move the items in the 3x3 crafting slots clockwise. Pressing C will also trigger this button.
  • Balance items: this will redistribute the items in the 3x3 crafting slots to make each stack have the same (or as close as possible) number of items. Pressing B will also trigger this button.



"name" = ""Navbox Charset"" "state" = ""plain""
