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Feed The Beast Wiki

In order to change what the player's Forestry farm will plant and harvest, its configuration will need to be changed. Newly built farms will default to being an Arboretum which is one of the managed farm types.

In order to re-configure a farm the player will need a Soldering Iron, a Circuit Board (preferably an Intricate Circuit Board so all four sides of the farm can be configured) and one of the Electron Tubes used to create a specific farm type.

Right-click on the farm while holding the Soldering Iron. Make sure the Type Selection at the top of the GUI is changed to be either "Managed Farms" or "Manual Farms" and put the Circuit Board into the top right slot. Choose an Electron Tube from the tables below and place into the slot which corresponds to the side of the farm to be configured into that farm type.

Starting from top to bottom the Electron Tube slots correspond to the (N)orth, (S)outh, (W)est and (E)ast sides of the farm.

Managed farm configuration[]

Type Electron Tube Soil Water Fertilizer Germlings Harvest
Dirt 10 mB 30 mU Saplings Wood, Saplings and Apples
Peat Bog
Bog Earth 20 mB 10 mU None Peat and Dirt
Crop Farm
Dirt 20 mB 10 mU Seeds Wheat
Vegetable Farm[fn 1]
Dirt 20 mB 10 mU Carrots and Potatoes Carrots and Potatoes
Infernal Farm
Soul Sand None 20 mU Nether Wart Nether Wart
Shroom Farm
Mycelium 80 mB 20 mU Mushrooms Large Mushrooms
  1. Combined with Crop Farms in 1.12.

Manual farm configuration[]

Type Electron Tube Soil Water Fertilizer Germlings Harvest
Dirt 40 mB 10 mU Trees (Grown) Any Fruits
Peat Bog
Bog Earth 20 mB 10 mU None Peat and Dirt
Crop Farm
Dirt 20 mB 10 mU Seeds Wheat
Vegetable Farm
Dirt 20 mB 10 mU Carrots and Potatoes Carrots and Potatoes
Succulent Farm
Sand 1 mB 10 mU Cactus Cactus (3-tall)
Reed Farm
Sand/Dirt 20 mB 10 mU Sugar Canes Sugar Canes (3-tall)
Rubber Plantation
Dirt 5 mB 10 mU Rubber Saplings Sticky Resin
Gourd Farm
Dirt 40 mB 10 mU Pumpkin/Melon Seeds Pumpkins and Melons
Cocoa Plantation
Jungle Wood 20 mB 120 mU Cocoa Beans Cocoa Plants
