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Feed The Beast Wiki
FTB Pyramid Reborn
FTB Pyramid Reborn
Maintained byThe FTB Team
Version info
Current stable3.2.0
Six years after the original FTB pyramid map was released the FTB team returns with a whole new set of challenges for Minecraft 1.12. Take part either in a solo run or a multiplayer challenge with up to 3 friends to complete all the objectives.
FTB Pyramid Reborn's CurseForge page

FTB Pyramid Reborn is a Feed The Beast and CurseForge modpack created by the FTB Team.

Mods included[]

Mod Authors
Forge/FML LexManos, cpw
Actually Additions Ellpeck
AppleSkin squeek502
Balanced Clay Tools asiekierka
Baubles Azanor
Bdlib bdew
Better Builder's Wands portablejim
BetterFps Guichaguri
Bookshelf Epoxide
Botania Vazkii
Brandon's Core brandon3055
Chameleon jaquadro
Charset Lib asiekierka
Chisel 2 warlordjones, tterrag1098, TheCricket26, Drullkus
Chisels and Bits AlgorithmX2
Clumps jaredlll08
CodeChickenLib Chickenbones
CoFH Core TeamCoFH
CoFH World TeamCoFH
Common Capabilities kroeser
ConnectedTexturesMod tterrag1098, Minecreatr
Controlling jaredlll08
Crafting Tweaks BlayTheNinth
CraftTweaker jaredlll08
Custom Main Menu Lumien
Cyclops Core kroeser
Default Options Blay the Ninth
Diet Hopper RWTema
Ding iChun
Draconic Evolution brandon3055
Ender Utilities masa_fi
Extra Utilities RWTema
Extreme Reactors ZeroNoRyouki
FastWorkbench Shadows_Of_Fire
Flux Networks Ollie_Lansdell
FoamFix asiekierka
Forestry SirSengir
FTB Achievements modmuss50
FTB Guides FTB
FTB Utilities FTB
Gendustry bdew
Hardcore Map Reset modmuss50
Immersive Engineering BluSunrize
Industrial Foregoing Buuz135
Integrated Dynamics kroeser
Integrated Tunnels kroeser
Integration Foregoing Jackyy
Inventory Sorter Cpw11
IronChests cpw, progwml6
Just Enough Items (JEI) Mezz
Light Level Overlay oldjunyi
McJtyLib McJty
MineTogether Creeperhost
Mob Grinding Utils Vadis365, Darkosto, TheCyberBrick
Mod Name Tooltip Mezz
Mod-Fix modmuss50
ModTweaker jaredlll08, joshie, SpitefulFox
Morpheus quetzi
Mouse Tweaks YaLTeR97
MTLib jaredlll08
Nether Portal Fix BlayTheNinth
NoNausea Lumien
OpenBlocks Elevator VsnGamer
Ore Excavation Funwayguy, Darkosto
Placebo Shadows_Of_Fire
PneumaticCraft: Repressurized desht
ReAuth TechnicianLP
Reborn Core Gigabit1011, modmuss50
Redstone Arsenal CoFH team
Redstone Flux TeamCoFH
Refined Storage raoulvdberge
Refined Storage Addons raoulvdberge
Resource Loader Lumien
RFTools McJty
Shadowfacts' Forgelin Shadowfacts
Simple Harvest workshopcraft
Snad TheRoBrit
Sonar Core Ollie_Lansdell
SplashAnimation asiekierka
Storage Drawers jaquadro
TESLA Darkhax
Tesla Core Lib Face_of_Cat
The One Probe McJty
Thermal Cultivation TeamCoFH
Thermal Dynamics TeamCoFH
Thermal Expansion TeamCoFH
Thermal Foundation TeamCoFH
Tiny Progressions Kashdeya, Darkosto, GenDeathrow
TipTheScales jaredlll08
Toast Control Shadows_Of_Fire
TOP Addons DrMathiasDJ
TorchMaster xalcon
UniDict WanionCane
WanionLib WanionCane
XNet McJty
YABBA LatvianModder
YUNoMakeGoodMap LexManos
Zero CORE ZeroNoRyouki

Official media[]

External links[]

"Feed The Beast"

"name" = ""Navbox Feed The Beast"" "state" = ""plain""
