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This page is about the mod for Minecraft 1.7.10 and earlier. For the mod for Minecraft 1.8 and beyond, see Extra Utilities 2.
Extra Utilities
Modicon Extra Utilities
Current developersRWTema
Version1.12.2: 1.9.9
1.12.1: 1.9.9
1.12: 1.9.9
1.11.2: 1.9.9
1.10.2: 1.9.9
1.10.1: 1.4.1
1.10: 1.4.1
1.9.4: 1.4.1
1.8.9: alpha-0.0.2
1.7.10: 1.2.12
Supported Minecraft versions1.7.10-1.12.2
Direwolf20 (1.7.10)
Unstable 1.7.2
Tech World 2
Direwolf20 (1.6.4)
FTB Lite

Extra Utilities is a mod created by RWTema. It adds an assortment of random items and blocks that facilitates and enhances gameplay, including (but not limited to):

  • low-lag pumps and quarries
  • power/fluid/item transport pipes
  • automation
  • item and fluid storage
  • decoration
  • mob traps and farming
  • building

It provides alternative Redstone Flux (RF) generators that consume fuel ranging from normal Coal and Charcoal to food, Nether Stars, and even dyes. It also provides assistance for those playing on peaceful, adding a peaceful mode-only Nether Star crafting recipe.

Extra Utilities also allows players to compress Cobblestone, Sand, Gravel, and Dirt. Cobblestone can be compressed 8 times into Octuple Compressed Cobblestone, which is resistant to the Wither's explosive attacks. Dirt can be compressed up to 4 times whereas Sand and Gravel can only be compressed twice.

Another goal of the mod is to provide more efficient methods of performing tasks that result in large amounts of lag. It provides low-lag alternatives to the Quarry and Pump with the Ender Quarry and Ender-Thermic Pump respectively. It also adds a low-lag fast Cobblestone Generator alternative in the form of a Transfer Node with a World Interaction Upgrade.

The mod adds a new dimension: The Deep Dark. It is designed for mining with vanilla ores spawning at 2x rates. Caution should be exercised in the Deep Dark: without Magnum Torches and Chandeliers mobs spawn at all light levels and staying in the darkness will damage the player.

A while ago I started tinkering with Minecraft modding as a way to better learn java. I had no serious intentions of ever making a proper mod so I basically threw in every silly and stupid idea that came to me. Most didn't work or were impractical for a real server but there were a few that I felt had potential and even some that I heard other users wishing they had. So I've decided to take the best ideas, polish it up and release it to the community and see if anyone else likes it.
RWTema, Extra Utilities Author


[2]Extra Utilities was discontinued and succeeded by Extra Utilities 2. It is completely rewritten with blocks and items being introduced, removed, or functionally altered.


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