Collect nearby XP orbs, then release or bottle them later
The Experience Pylon is a block added by Cyclic. It collects nearby experience orbs and stores them.
There is a bug on servers where if you try to pull liquid out of the pylon the liquid will be destroyed.
In the GUI, you can give the Experience Pylon empty bottles and the Experience Pylon will make Bottle O’ Enchanting. You can manually deposit or take experience from the Experience Pylon with the buttons on the left of the GUI. There is also a Spray Orbs mode, rather than Collect Orbs Mode, which will shoot out experience around the Experience Pylon.
End Emerald Ore· End Diamond Ore· End Iron Ore· End Coal Ore· End Lapis Ore· End Redstone Ore· End Gold Ore· Nether Redstone Ore· Nether Coal Ore· Nether Iron Ore· Nether Diamond Ore· Nether Emerald Ore· Nether Gold Ore· Nether Lapis Ore
Item Cable· Item Extraction Cable· Item Transfer Node· Item Sorter· Fluid Cable· Fluid Extraction Cable· Fluid Transfer Node· Energy Cable· Energy Extraction Cable· Energy Transfer Node· Bundled Cable
Potion of Blindness· Potion of Bouncing· Potion of Butterfingers· Potion of Ender· Potion of Frostwalking· Potion of Haste· Potion of Health Boost· Potion of Hunger· Potion of Levitation· Potion of Luck· Potion of Magnetism· Potion of Resistance· Potion of Saturation· Potion of Slowfall· Potion of Snow· Potion of Swim Speed· Potion of Waterwalking· Potion of Wither