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Essentia Terminal

ModThaumic Energistics
TypeTile entity
TC4 Aspects






The Essentia Terminal is a tile entity added by Thaumic Energistics. It interacts with ME Essentia Storage Cells in a connected ME Drive and essentia can be extracted or inserted directly into the Terminal via its GUI.

Essentia Terminal GUI

Essentia Terminal GUI. Top half displays all essentia stored in the ME network and a search bar; middle two slots allow Warded Jars and Glass Phials to be placed.


Thaumonomicon entry[]

The Essentia Terminal provides a convenient way to insert or extract essentia stored within the network.

When placing a jar or phial it will be emptied if it contains any essentia, or filled with the selected aspect. Labels can also be set or cleared depending on the selected aspect.
For the Thaumaturge with little time on their hands and many aspects to work with, the displayed aspects can be clicked with an item to fill, drain, or set the item in question.
When holding multiple of an item, items will be returned to your inventory.
The Essentia Level Emitter provides a redstone signal when the level of essentia in the network falls below or rises above a set amount.
The Essentia Storage Monitor & Essentia Conversion Monitor allow you to see how much of an aspect is in the network at a glance. The conversion monitor also allows you to insert and extract essentia from the network.
Right-clicking with a wrench will lock/unlock the monitor.
Right-clicking an unlocked monitor with a label or filled jar or phial will set the displayed aspect, and right-clicking with an empty hand will clear aspect.
Right-clicking a locked conversion monitor will fill jar or phial and Shift-Right-Clicking will empty them.

Shift-Double-Right-Click will empty all essentia from your inventory.