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Enhanced Teleposition Focus

ModBlood Magic
Tooltip textA focus further enhanced in an altar.
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The Enhanced Teleposition Focus is a component added by Blood Magic. The Enhanced Teleposition Focus is used within Teleposers to mark the block to be teleposed. Enhanced Teleposition Focuses are also used as a crafting component for Reinforced Teleposition Focuses.


To create an Enhanced Teleposition Focus, a Teleposition Focus must be placed into at least a tier 4 Blood Altar with 10,000 LP.

FTB Infinity Evolved[]

Main article: FTB Infinity Evolved

To create an Enhanced Teleposition Focus, a Nether Star must be placed into at least a tier 4 Blood Altar with 10,000 LP.


To use an Enhanced Teleposition Focus, right click on the desired block to be teleposed. This will bind the focus to those coordinates. Once placed into a Teleposer, the focus will allow for a 3x3 section of blocks centered on that location to be teleposed.
