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This page is about the Enchanted Aether Grass added by Aether II. For other uses, see Enchanted Aether Grass.
Enchanted Aether Grass

ModAether II
TypeSolid block

Enchanted Aether Grass is a block added by the Aether II mod. It can be created by right clicking a Grass Block or Aether Grass with an Ambrosium Shard. It spreads on Aether Dirt (but not Grass Blocks or Aether Grass).

It acts exactly like a normal Grass Block or an Aether Grass block, except that it makes any crops harvested on it have +2 their normal possible yield. This includes any overworld crops, Berry Bushes and Orange Trees.

The fastest tool to mine them is a shovel. They will drop Aether Dirt instead of themselves if the tool used does not have the Silk Touch enchantment, however.
