- This page is about the Emptying Essentia Transfuser from Thaumcraft 6. For other uses, see Emptying Essentia Transfuser.
Emptying Essentia Transfuser Mod Thaumcraft 6 Type Tile entity Properties Blast resistance 30 Hardness 1 TC6 Aspects
The Emptying Essentia Transfuser is a tile entity added by Thaumcraft 6. It is used to transport essentia from Warded Jars within 16 blocks into the device that it is attached to, such as the Thaumatorium.
The Transfuser pulls essentia from jars that are within a cuboid that occupies a 16-block radius which extends from its face. The area behind it is unaffected. It does not need line of sight and can pull essentia even through walls.
It can draw essentia from an Essentia Mirror. Range rules are the same as above, i.e. if a jar is reachable within a block; an Essentia Mirror positioned within its range can be interacted with. When interacting with a mirror, the Transfuser takes priority—the mirror's range and direction do not matter, only its coordinates (can be checked on a linked mirror).
It can't draw directly from Filling Essentia Transfuser (Thaumcraft 6), but if an intermediate jar will be placed within range of both - one will push into it and the other pull out from it, bridging the two.
Thaumonomicon entry[]
I have drawn up plans for two devices. The Filling Essentia Transfuser can take essentia directly from a pipe network or other essentia source and transport it to jars within 16 blocks of the direction it is facing.
The Emptying Essentia Transfuser does the opposite - drawing essentia from jars within range and placing it within tubes or devices requiring essentia of a specific type.