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Feed The Beast Wiki
Draconic Bow

ModDraconic Evolution
Previous tier
RF storage16,000,000 RF

The Draconic Bow is a bow added by Draconic Evolution. It uses Redstone Flux (RF) to recharge and use and it can store up to 16 million RF. It has many options to customize a bit the player's bow. It can shoot regular Arrows as well as Ender Arrows.


GUI Fusion Crafting


  • Base Damage: the bow's base damage (max: 3)
  • Arrow Velocity Power: increases the bow's velocity (max: +300%)
  • Auto-Fire: the bow will auto-fire once it has reached maximum power
  • Explosive Power: the power of the explosion of the arrow fired by the bow (max: 6)
  • Magnification: the bow will zoom in to the target to increase accuracy (max: +600%)
  • Arrow of Draconic Fire: the bow can shoot without the need of arrows and will inflict 10% more damage, allow the use of shockwave and will be less affected by gravity
  • Shock Wave Power: The arrow will damage all entities around it but will not destroy blocks (max: 10)
