Mod Natura Type Tool Damage 2 Durability 132
The Darkwood Shovel is a tool added by the Natura mod. It is crafted with Darkwood planks and Darkwood Sticks , which can be obtained from the Dark Tree, only found growing in the Nether .
The Darkwood Shovel digs with the same speed of a Stone-tier shovel.
"name" = ""Navbox Natura""
"state" = ""plain""
v · d · e Natura
World Trees
Berry Bushes
Items Berries
Other Food
Tools Ghostwood
Sword Pickaxe Shovel Hatchet Kama Bow Quartz
Sword Pickaxe Shovel Hatchet Kama Impskin
Helmet Jerkin Leggings Boots Utility
Blocks Log Blocks
Eucalyptus Wood Sakura Ghostwood Hopseed Redwood Bark Redwood Redwood Root Bloodwood Darkwood Fusewood Maple Silverbell Amaranth Tiger Willow Leaf Blocks
Eucalyptus Leaves Sakura Ghostwood Hopseed Redwood Blood Leaves Darkwood Fusewood Maple Silverbell Amaranth Tiger Willow Planks
Eucalyptus Planks Sakura Ghostwood Hopseed Redwood Bloodwood Darkwood Fusewood Maple Silverbell Amaranth Tigerwood Willow Doors
Redwood Eucalyptus Hopseed Sakura Ghostwood Bloodwood Redwood Bark Nether
Heat Sand Tainted Soil Blaze Rail Powered Blaze Rail Detector Blaze Rail Activator Blaze Rail Nether Furnace Respawn Obelisk Soul Glass Heat Glass Blaze Hopper Other
Topiary Grass Bluegrass Autumnal Grass
Creatures Creatures
Heatscar Spider Baby Heatscar Spider Imp Nitro Creeper