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Note: This page is for Cursed Fabric only, any information listed is not compatible or related to Fabric, Fabric API, or Legacy Fabric. They are all completely separate projects.
Better Nether With Remaining Tools At Night

An image showing Better Nether blocks, the other Orichalcum tools at night to show the glow effect.

Cursed Fabric is a Fabric port for pre-1.0 versions of Minecraft. It is not the same as Legacy Fabric, a Fabric project that focuses on supporting 1.0 to 1.13.2 versions of Minecraft.

Cursed Fabric
Current developerscalmilamsy and contributors.
VersionVersion 0.10.6:671a1bb hotfix
Supported Minecraft versionsBeta 1.7.3
Current developerscalmilamsy, mine_diver and contributors.
Supported Minecraft versionsBeta 1.7.3

Background and Differences Between Both Cursed Fabric APIs

There are two installation methods. A MultiMC instance that can be imported and a Mojang launcher jar installer. There is currently a small handful of mods available along with various mods and APIs that support it; StationAPI and Cursed Legacy API are two different Fabric API options for Cursed Fabric.

StationAPI came first and has 5 mods currently for it, these are available on Modification Station's Glass Repo site.

While Cursed Legacy API is a Fabric API by Devs known for Fabric mods. As no mods for Cursed Legacy API exist yet (developed since May 2020) and they are very differently designed, StationAPI mods are not compatible with Cursed Legacy API but the API does still go in the mods folder of Cursed Fabric instances.

There are a handful of tweaks, Iron Chests, a GLSL Shader and an Inventory Editor/Item Viewer currently available. These mods have client and server versions.

Many of these mods are available on Glass Repo. The mods for Cursed Fabric only work on Cursed Fabric and Cursed Fabric supported versions; all mods require StationAPI to be in the mods folder.

Cursed Legacy Installer
Current developersValoeghese, Chocohead, Cool_Mineman and contributors.
Supported Minecraft versionsBeta 1.7.3
Cursed Legacy API
Current developersValoeghese, Chocohead, Cool_Mineman and contributors.
Supported Minecraft versionsBeta 1.7.3

Mojang Launcher Installation Instructions (Cursed Legacy API)

Currently no mods work with this at the moment (only Cursed Legacy API currently, StationAPI and StationAPI/Station Loader compatible mods do not work in these instances) so these instructions are only to show it's possible as of discovering on 21st April 2021. Its current purpose is likely for Mod Developer testing purposes at the moment.

Cursed Legacy Loader
Current developersValoeghese, Chocohead, Cool_Mineman and contributors.
Supported Minecraft versionsBeta 1.7.3

1.Download the Installer Jar from Cursed Legacy website.

2.Double click the Jar file and a window will appear.

3.From testing build 671a1bb-b1.7.3 (others may crash) select this one and select the 'Install' button.

4.Launch the launcher and check if a loader profile has been installed.

5.Select the Play button.

6.The game will load up a Beta 1.7.3 profile.

MultiMC Instance Installation Instructions (StationAPI)

  1. Download the MultiMC Instance from Github. Click on the "Code" button and select the "Download ZIP" option.
  2. Once the download is completed open the MultiMC launcher.
  3. Go to the "Add Instance" button (or right-click and select "Create Instance").
  4. Select "Import From ZIP".
  5. Browse for the downloaded MultiMC Instance to import it.
  6. Select "Ok" to import the profile and launch it.
  7. Add mods to the instance (including StationAPI as many mods will need it, similar to Fabric API).
  8. Launch the game. If it loads to the title screen the profile has loaded correctly.

Mod Listings

Beta 1.7.3 Station API Mods List

  • Better Nether Beta (adds Nether Brick items/Nether Brick blocks, Crimson/Warped and Poison woods, nylium, sprouts/plantlife and biomes along with Orichalcum ore, tools/armour)(src)
  • Creative (adds creative flight/creative mode tabs)(src)
  • EnviroSound (adds realistic sound attenuation, reverberation, and absorption through blocks sound effects)
  • GLSL Shaders (a port of the shaders to Beta 1.7.3)(src)
  • How Many Items Unofficial SL (HMI Unofficial Station Loader version)(src)
  • Interact Pickup (right click item pickup)
  • Iron Chests (Iron Chests ported to StationLoader/API, just the blocks and GUI, no recipes or other features)
  • Quit Button (adds a quit button to the title screen)
  • Shift Right Click (a right click function)
  • SmartyGUI (adds a Main Menu display, shows version, shows blocks when looking at them, armour status, tooltips, furnace info, player list with a serverside file)(src)
  • StationAPI (the API required in the mods folder for StationAPI compatible mods to work)(src)
  • BetaLoader (ModLoader port with support of some original b1.7.3 modloader mods)(src)
  • Mod Menu (List of loaded mods)(src)
  • Upward Bound(Skylands)(src)
  • Beta Extras(src)
  • Battle Towers Port(Port of b1.7.3 battletowers mod)(src)
  • ManyMoreBlock(Expanded block(4096) and item(65536) ids)(src)

Known Conflicts

  • Better Nether Beta and Iron Chests conflict
  • StationAPI 2.0 Pre Rel made some previous mods incompatible (Creative, Better Nether Beta, How Many Items SL Unofficial)
  • StationAPI mods (either) are not compatible with Cursed Legacy API or the JS6pak Fabric Loader.

See also

External links

Better Nether Creative Tab

An image showing the Better Nether blocks and items via the Creative mod's tab

Items Not Being Picked Up As Player Has To Right Click Them

An image showing items be picked up by the player as they are required to click to pick them up rather than walk over them (due to Interact Pickup mod)

How Many Items Options

An image showing the HMI/NEI like options menu

Survival Inventory and HMI Page 2

An image showing the Survival Inventory and Page 2 of HMI included in the instance. Iron Chests is not visible as it conflicts with Better Nether.

Better Nether Blocks Wide Shot

An image showing the blocks and items of Better Nether (minus a few tools). One of the few Station API mods that adds blocks.

Creative Mod and HMI

An image showing Creative tabs/flight with the Creative Mod and How Many Items. Both Station API mods.
