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This page is about the Creative Steam Tank added by Flaxbeard's Steam Power. For other uses, see Creative Steam Tank.
Creative Steam Tank

ModFlaxbeard's Steam Power
TypeSolid block
Blast resistance6
Steam storage default2,147,483,643 (∞) SU
Flaxbeard's Steam Power Information
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The Creative Steam Tank is a block from Flaxbeard's Steam Power. It is used as a testing tool, and is only accessible via creative mode, NEI cheat mode, and the /give command. It is similar to a Steam Tank, though it has an infinite amount of steam.

When added to a Steam Exosuit Chestpiece in the Engineering Table, it will give the suit two billion one hundred forty-seven million four hundred eighty-three thousand six hundred forty-three (2,147,483,643) SU, which is essentially infinite.

The page in the Esteemed Innovation can only be accessed by using the book on the block in-world. Obviously, the page is not serious, or even about the block itself. It also displays a Bowl, rather than a Creative Steam Tank.
