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Compact Machine
(machine blocks)

ModCompact Machines

The Compact Machine blocks added by Compact Machines provide rooms in a separate dimension (144 by default) that are accessible for automation and entry from any side of the block once placed. Using a multiblock, triggered crafting system provided by the Miniaturization Field Projector, each Compact Machine block provides a room with a cubic interior ranging in size from 3 to 13 blocks in each direction, in increments of 2. The Personal Shrinking Device may be used to enter and exit the room after the machine is placed.


Tiny Compact Machine 33

Small Compact Machine 53

Normal Compact Machine 73

Large Compact Machine 93

Giant Compact Machine 113

Maximum Compact Machine 133

"Compact Machines"

"name" = ""Navbox Compact Machines"" "state" = ""expanded""

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