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Chimerite Gem

ModMana and Artifice
Mana and Artifice Information
Chimerite: I can't believe it's been under my nose this whole time - a hidden magical ore that i mistook for excess bits of rock when mining other valuable ores! I call it Chimerite because it can look just like mining debris until one's magical senses are honed to be able to detect it. It's easiest to find in emerald ore, something to do with the structure of the emeralds themselves. Most mages will be able to sense these with only a little bit of magical experience, probably mages that are at least level 5. Next are diamonds. While not as easy as emeralds, chimerite can be found here by mages with a little bit more experience, above level 10. Lastly is coal. Chimerite is technically in trace elements, but it takes a finely tuned magical mind to pick up the traces that are large enough to be usable. I would say no mage under level 20 would see it. On that point i should note that the chimerite is also often destroyed as part of the mining process, and isn't always retrievable from every mining attempt. Emeralds seem to have the best success rate here, followed by diamonds, and then again by coal. It can be crafted into blocks and back using a crafting table.

The Chimerite Gem is an item added by Mana and Artifice. It is used in a wide variety of crafting and Manaweaving Altar recipes. It does not have an associated ore block. Instead, it has a chance of dropping from vanilla ores when the player reaches certain magic levels. It is not effected by the Fortune enchantment.


Ore Magic Level Drop Chance Drop Amount

Emerald Ore
5 90% 1-10

Diamond Ore
10 60% 1-3

Coal Ore
20 30% 1
