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Feed The Beast Wiki
This page is about the Chest added by Quark. For other uses, see Chest.
Wooden Chests

TypeSolid block
Technical details
Fungal Wood Chests

TypeSolid block
Technical details
Stone Chests

TypeSolid block
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Quark adds various new chest variants to the game, wooden or otherwise. They function exactly the same as vanilla ones, but have the properties of materials they're made of. All of Quark's chests can also be crafted into respective trapped chests and boats with chests.

Other mods may also add new chests for their own wood types when Quark is installed.


Quark automatically replaces vanilla chests with its own variants upon their generation in vanilla and modded structures:[1]

  • Oak chests generate in plains villages, as well as in Dungeon Crawl dungeons, YUNG's Better Mineshafts, YUNG's Better Strongholds, and Dungeon Plus Bigger Dungeons and towers. They also generate in Repurposed Structures Grassy Igloos, oak mansions, outposts and villages, flower forest pyramids, and warm biome ruins; as well as in Valhelsia Structures' Big Trees, Castle Ruins, Player Houses, Small Castles, Small Dungeons, and Spawner Dungeons.
  • Spruce chests generate in igloos and snowy/taiga villages, as well as in Dungeon Plus Snowy Templess, Hunter Illager's house, and Stoneholm, Underground Villages. They also generate in Repurposed Structures Stone Igloos, snowy/taiga mansions, icy/stone/taiga mineshafts, giant tree taiga/ice/snowy/taiga outposts, giant tree taiga/ice/snowy pyramids, giant tree taiga/mountain villages and warm biome ruins; as well as in Valhelsia Structures' Castles, Desert Houses, Forges, Tower Ruins, and Witch Huts.
  • Birch chests generate in Desert Pyramidss, as well as in Repurposed Structures birch mansions, mineshafts, and villages.
  • Jungle chests generate in Jungle Pyramids and desert villages, as well as in Dungeon Plus Leviathans and Ice and Fire's Gorgon Temple's. They also generate in Repurposed Structures Jungle Fortresses, desert/jungle mansions, mineshafts, outposts, pyramids and villages, and hot biome ruins.
  • Acacia chests generate in savanna villages, as well as in Mowzie's Mobs Barakoa Villages and Repurposed Structures savanna mansions and mineshafts.
  • Dark oak chests generate in vanilla mansions and Pillager Outposts, as well as in The Conjurer's theatres and Illager+ structures. They also generate in Repurposed Structures Underground Bastions, swamp and dark forest mineshafts, badlands outposts and pyramids, and badlands/dark oak villages.
  • Crimson chests generate in Ruined Portals and Bastion Remnants, as well as in Infernal Expansion's Bastion Outposts, Glowstone Canyon Ruins, and Strider Altars. They also generate in Repurposed Structures crimson mineshafts, outposts, shipwrecks, nether temples, and villages.
  • Warped chests generate in Dungeon Plus Soul Prisons and Warped Gardens, as well as in Repurposed Structures warped mineshafts, outposts, shipwrecks, nether temples, and villages.
  • Prismarine chests generate in Repurposed Structures ocean mineshafts and pyramids.
  • Nether brick chests generate in Nether Fortresses, as well as in Repurposed Structures nether cities, nether mineshafts, pyramids, and ruins, nether brick outposts and shipwrecks, Nether Strongholds, and basalt/wasteland Nether Temples.
  • Purpur chests generate in End Cities, as well as in Shulker's Faithful Factories' shulker factory, Dungeon Plus End Ruins, Pandoras Creatures' End Prison, End: Reborn End Crypts and End Shipwrecks, Majrusz's Progressive Difficulty Flying End Ships and Flying Phantom Structures, and The Outer End's catacombs and End Tower. They also generate in Repurposed Structures end mineshafts, pyramids, Ruined Portals, and shipwrecks.
  • Azalea chests generate in Repurposed Structures' Swamp villages.
  • Blossom chests generate in Repurposed Structures' Flower Forest pyramids.
  • Ancient and Bamboo chests currently (as of 3.4-389 for 1.19.2) do not generate naturally.



"name" = ""Navbox Quark"" "state" = ""plain""
