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Pages in category "Spells/uk"
The following 24 pages are in this category, out of 24 total.
- Scroll of Affliction/uk
- Scroll of Aid/uk
- Scroll of Anguish/uk
- Scroll of Cleansing/uk
- Scroll of Companionship/uk
- Scroll of Cooking/uk
- Scroll of Debilitation/uk
- Scroll of Disarming/uk
- Scroll of Disorientation/uk
- Scroll of Fire/uk
- Scroll of Fortitude/uk
- Scroll of Frost/uk
- Scroll of Greed/uk
- Scroll of Luminosity/uk
- Scroll of Mobility/uk
- Scroll of Nourishment/uk
- Scroll of Oblivion/uk
- Scroll of Range/uk
- Scroll of Smelting/uk
- Scroll of Storage/uk
- Scroll of Thunder/uk
- Scroll of Transferring/uk
- Scroll of Uncovering/uk
- Scroll of Vitality/uk