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Casting Table

ModTinkers' Construct
TypeSolid block

The Casting Table is a block from Tinkers' Construct. It is an optional piece of the Smeltery used to cast metal into its according cast, such as the Ingot Cast. It is also used in the creation of these casts.



The Casting Table requires a Seared Faucet and Smeltery Drain to pour the metal from inside the Smeltery into the table.

In order to create casts, an item of the desired cast type is to be placed on top of the table. 3 mB of molten gold or 2 mB of molten Aluminum Brass is then poured over the item. A cast will form around the item and both can be removed.

In order to cast metal, a cast must be placed on the table. Molten metal can then be poured onto the cast to produce the metal of the according shape.
