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Mana and Artifice Information
Cantrips Cantrips are spells that you can cast using nothing but manaweaving pattern combination. You unlock new cantrips every time you tier up. The Cantrip GUI To view the cantrips GUI, simply hold any manaweaver wand in you hand, press the gui key (default control, and right click. The wand's tooltip will show this as well. Once in the gui, hover over any of the cantrip icons to see a description of what the cantrip does. You can also change the patterns required for that cantrip (minimum 2) by using the arrows next to the boxes below each cantrip's icon. Some cantrips allow inserting items as well that are related to that cantrip (such as spells). For example the 'Freeform Spell' cantrips require that you place a spell into the inventory slot before they'll do anything. Casting Cantrips To cast a cantrip first you'll need a manaweaver's wand. Equip that, and draw the first pattern using normal manaweaving. It will appear in the air once complete. Next, draw the second pattern. Once complete it will merge with the first. Once a cantrip pattern is matched, you will hear a tone and see an icon with a countdown bar. For cantrips that must be aimed such as spells, it will target and cast where you are looking when that timer reaches the end.

Cantrips are a mechanic added by Mana and Artifice. Cantrips are spells that are cast using a Manaweaving Wand. You cast a cantrip by combining Manaweave Patterns, the cantrip will automatically cast after casting the patterns. To open the cantrip menu Ctrl+Right Click with a Manaweaving Wand. You can customize what patterns will cast a cantrip by selecting a cantrip and clicking the arrows around the three boxes at the top. The order from left to right is the order you mast cast the patterns in. You need at least two patterns and can have up to three. You can select any pattern you have unlocked however, be careful not to make a cantrip that uses three patterns, have it's first two patterns be used another cantrip with just two patterns. You will be unable to cast the cantrip with three patterns. Ex. You have the Ignite cantrip use Orbeus, Orbeus, Quadratum and the Gust cantrip use Orbeus, Orbeus. You will be unable to cast Ignite because Gust will automatically cast first.

As of update there are 11 Cantrips in the game

Tier 1

  • Ignite: "After a short delay, lights a fire at a targeted point within 3 blocks of where you're looking."
  • Transmute: "After a short delay, transmutes either a placed block of Copper into Transmuted Silver, Stone into Arcane Stone, Sandstone into Arcane Sandstone, and Gravel into Flint. Affects a small radius when applied."
  • Signal Flare: "Launches a firework from your position and makes you glow. At Tier 3 and up, summons a random ally on a long cooldown. The cooldown does not effect the firework"
  • Gust: "Clears out grass, snow, saplings, web, fire, etc. in a 9x9x2 centered on you."

Tier 2

  • Dispel: "Removes harmful magical effects, such as poison. Great vs witches!"
  • Drought: "Clears out water centered on you, same as a sponge"

Tier 3

  • Summon Grimoire: "Summons a grimoire, a book of ender storage for spells."
  • Freeform Spell: "Put a spell here and cast it when you perform the manaweave combo. Modifiers will not be applied"

Tier 4 Summon Faction Grimoire: Summons a faction-specific grimoire, a book of ender storage for spells."

  • Freeform Spell: "Put a spell here and cast it when you perform the manaweave combo. Modifiers will not be applied"

Tier 5

  • Freeform Spell: "Put a spell here and cast it when you perform the manaweave combo. Modifiers will not be applied"