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Automatic Canning Machine

ModGregTech 4
Tooltip textUnmobile Food Canning Machine GTA4
Previous tier
Max EU input32 EU/t
EU use1-2 EU/t

The Automatic Canning Machine is a machine added by GregTech 4. Unlike other "Automatic" machines, it is an upgrade to the Canning Machine instead of a replacement.

Unlike IndustrialCraft 2's Canning Machine, the Automatic Canning Machine has two outputs. Additionally, it can not use upgrades like the Overclocker Upgrade, at least in the same way. You must right-click the machine with the upgrade in hand to apply it, and the upgrades CANNOT be removed, even with a Wrench.

The Automatic Canning Machine also includes new configuration in the form of buttons, the left-bottom corner of the GUI. The button that looks like a lightning bolt, when turned on, allows the Automatic Canning Machine to transfer EU to machines next to it, assuming the machine is not using any of the energy. The second button, which has an arrow on it, when turned on, makes the Automatic Canning Machine output through the back of the machine. If an inventory, such as a Chest, is behind it, then it will place the items in the inventory. If not, it simply throw the items on the ground. The last button changes the way items are moved into the output slots.

The Automatic Canning Machine has one last large change: it cans things based on their actual food value, rather then what IndustrialCraft 2 auto-assigns the food. This means it works fine with mods that add new foods.

