{Bugs Fixed}
- Fixed Steel Armor all being Steel Helmet
{Features Added}
- Dev Only armor (Dev Armor)
{Bugs Fixed}
- Steel Block Being Uncraftable
{Features Added}
- Added Most of the materials and blocks to the OreDict
- Block Lava Crystal - oreLavaCrystal
- Steel Ore - oreARPSteel
- Steel Ingot - ingotARPSteel
- Electrical Ingot - ingotElectrical
- Block of Steel - blockARPSteel
- Electrical Block - blockElectrical
- Compressed Obsidian - blockCompressedObsidian
- Armor Forge - armorforge
- Lava Crystal - gemLavaCrystal
- Chainmail - chainmail
- Wither Bone - witherbone
- The Ultimate Material - materialTheUltimate
- Reinforcing Material - materialReinforcing
- Guardian Scale - scaleGuardian
- Ender Dragon Scale - scaleEnderDragon
- Config Option to Enable/Disable ArmorPlus' Steel OreDict
- Made Almost all Crafting Table Recipes to be able to use OreDict
{Bugs Fixed}
- Steel Ore render with missing textures
- Block of Steel render with missing textures
{Bugs Fixed}
- Steel Ingot still registering as armorplus:metal_ingot
{Bugs Fixed}
- Fixed crash caused in start up (server) & (client)
{Bugs Fixed}
- Not Fully Converted the Metal Armor to Steel Armor
{Some API Changes}
{Some Source Code Changes}
- sokratis12GR.ArmorPlus to sokratis12gr.armorplus
{Features Changed}
- Metal Ingot is now called Steel Ingot
- Metal Ore is now called Steel Ore
- Metal Block is now called Block of Steel
- Metal Armor is now called Steel Armor
- The Mod's Jar file is now called armorplus1.9.4-(major).(api).(minor).(patch)
{Bugs Fixed}
- Crash when going to the Controls settings
{Features Added}
- Blocks
- Metal Block
- Electrical Block
{Features Changed}
- Metal Armor now requires Metal Ingots to be repaired in Easy Mode and Metal Blocks in Expert Mode.
- Electrical Armor now requires Electrical Ingots to be repaired in Easy Mode and Electrical Blocks in Expert Mode.
{Features Added}
- ArmorPlus Info Book (It informs the player of the Game Mode they are playing in)
{Features Changed}
- Expert Mode is enabled by default!
- Lava Armor now Requires Lava Crystal to be repaired
- Obsidian Armor now Requires Compressed Obsidian to be repaired in Expert Mode
{Features Removed}
- The Ultimate Armor has no longer a key bind option to enable Night Vision
{Features Added}
- The Ultimate Armor now has a key bind option to enable Night Vision
{Features Added}
- Config
- World Generation Options for the Lava Crystal
- World Generation Options for the Metal Ore
- The Gift Of Gods now supports Blocks
{Features Changed}
- Redstone Apple now has a sub type of upgraded version
- Redstone Apple's Recipes
{Features Added}
- You can enable/disable Redstone Apple's Recipes
{Features Changed}
- Changed all the item's and block's Registry Names
have been changed to (recipes
0 - easy, 1 - expert)
{Features Added}
- Redstone Apple
{Features Added}
- Added the command
/armorplus wiki
(This command will open a link in your browser to the ArmorPlus wiki)
- Armors, Items and Blocks
Metal Armor
(Protection same as Iron Armor)Electrical Armor
(Protection +4 more than the Metal Armor)Metal Ingot
Electrical Ingot
Metal Ore
{Features Changed}
- The
ArmorPlus Book
's Gui Look
{Bugs Fixed}
- The
now should work properly
{Features Changed}
- Optimized the
, now you can choose how many items you want to add to the list
{Features Added}
(If you hvae this enabled, you will only get the items you set in the config)
- Some Configurations for the
{Bugs Fixed}
The Gift Of The Gods
not working if 50 items in the blacklist aren't added (now are added by default, just replace them with the item you want to disable //The Must always be 50)
{Features Added}
config, so you can disable the listed items to not be given by theThe Gift Of The Gods
(Limitation for now are 50 Items) //The is an example on how to do the config option in the config
{Features Added}
- Item
The Gift Of The Gods
, a very expensive Item that gives you 1 random thing from the entire Modpack
{Features Changed}
- Armor Descriptions are now better
- Some Config Changes
{Features Changed}
- Guardians now new will drop 0-1 Guardian Scales
{Supported Minecraft Versions}
- 1.9.4 and 1.10 and 1.10.2
{Bugs Fixed}
- Fixed
ArmorPlus Book
's Information
- Fixed Not Being able to disable Slime Armor Recipes
{Bugs Fixed}
- Getting ArmorPlus Book on crafting anything
{Bugs Fixed}
- Ghost ArmorPlus Books appearing
{Features Changed}
- Changed
The Ultimate Armors
's Texture
- Replaced The
withCoal Blocks
in theArmor Forge
's Recipe
{Supported Minecraft Versions}
- 1.9.4 and 1.10
{Features Added}
- You can now Enable/Disable The Ultimate Armor's (full set) Invincibility
{Features Changed}
- Armor
- Now if the Player doesn't wear the full set of The Ultimate Armor will get the de-buffs (Poisson, Blindness, Slowness)
{Features Changes}
- Commands
- Changed How commands work, now they are more organized
- Removed the ArmorPlus Book Command
- Updated zh_CN Lang File with the latest information
{Features Added}
- JEI Support
{Features Changed}
- Minor API Changes
{Features Changed}
- ArmorPlus Book changed a bit
- Changed the way Achievements Work
- Recipe Handling Changed
{Features Added}
- Now Almost all the recipes need to be done via the Armor Forge
{Bugs Fixed}
- Getting Achievement "Welcome to ArmorPlus!" when crafting any item in the game
{Coming Soon Changes}
- Now Almost all the recipes need to be done via the Armor Forge (Still WIP, Recommended to use the Vanilla Crafting Table)
- Mob Bosses
- Many more armors, items and blocks
{Features Added}
- If the player wears full Lava Armor the fire wont get rendered if the player isn't inside a lava source or in fire
- Added some information to the ArmorPlus Book
{Features Changed}
- The Achievement list is now different
- Special Achievements
{Bugs Fixed}
- Achivements not trigger right
{Features Changed}
- The Ultimate armor Invincibility will be applied only if the full set is equipped
{Features Added}
- New Block
- Armor Forge (WIP) (Soon This will be the place to craft the armors)
{Features Added}
- Added a crafting recipe for the Ender Dragon Egg (Because otherwise you can't create the full Ender Dragon Set)
{Features Added & Changed}
- Armor ToolTips now have much better description depending on the configuration settings
{Bugs Fixed}
- Server Crashing
{Features Changed}
- Compressed Obsidian now works like a block
{Features Added}
- Items
- ArmorPlus Book (WIP)
- Blocks
- Lava Crystals
- Another Creative Tab
- World Generation
{Features Changed}
- Lava Armor Recipe now requires Lava Crystals to be crafted
{Features Added & Changed}
- Repairing Armors now require the current's Game Mode difficulty Ingredients
{Bugs Fixed}
- Chicken & Slime Armor Achievements being broken
- Chicken Armor Achievement have a wrong placement
- Some Achievements not triggering
{Versioning Changes}
- Now Versioning should be as the following
{Features Added}
- The Ultimate Armor is now Rairable with The Ultimate Material
{Features Added}
- Made Guardians to drop 1 Guardian Scale (because of their rarity)
{Features Added}
- Compressed Obsidian Now supports all types of obsidian
- Slime Armor in Both Game Modes support all types of slime balls/slime blocks
- Added Some More Achievements
- Added new option to enable/disable the Coal Armor to be crafted with Charcoal (Only easy Mode)
{Bugs Fixed}
- Recipes Hander
{Features Added}
- Added Mod Game modes
- Easy (All the recipes are like the normal ones)
- Expert (All the recipes are very hard to craft //Not Recommended for beginners)
- The ability to disable/enable individual tinkers' armors effects
- Added new Item Compressed Obsidian (Used Only In Expert Mode)
- Added Separate Creative Tab for the Items (More Organized)
- Full Ardite Set gives you Fire Resistance
{Bugs Fixed}
- Disabling Chicken Armor's Recipes, disables slime armor's recipe as well
- Fixed Some Crafting Issues
- Fixed some issues with the config file
{Bugs Fixed}
- Bugs fixed Lava Armor texture being missing
{Bugs Fixed}
- Tinkers' Construct armors recipes don't work even if tinkers' construct is installed/loaded
{Features Changed}
- Creative Menu changed again
{Features Added}
- New Armors
- Chicken Armor
- Slime Armor
{Features Added}
- Mob Drops
- The Wither Boss now will also drop 6 Wither Bones
- The Elder Guardian now will also drop 6 Guardian Scales
- New Items
- "Guardian Scale"
- "Wither Bone"
- "The Ultimate Material"
- Now you will need to kill 4 Elder Guardians to obtain the Guardian Armor
- Now you will need to kill 4 Wither Bosses to obtain the Super Star Armor
{Features Changed}
- Changed the amount that the Reinforced Material Recipes from 2 to 4
- The Recipes for the Guardian Armor Changed, now requires the "Guardian Scale" in order to be crafted
- The Recipes for the Super Star Armor Changed, now requires "Wither Bones" + Nether Stars in order to be crafted
- The Recipes for the "The Ultimate" Armor Changed, now requires the "The Ultimate Material" + the other armors like before in order to be crafted
{Features Changed}
- Balanced Pig Iron Armor's Saturation, now it will cost durability on use
{Bugs Fixed}
- Disabling some armor's recipes disables the items from the mod entirely
{Features Removed}
- Removed the Idea of the Custom Armor (Not Coming Back)
{Bugs Fixed}
- Fixed French support being invalid
{Features Changed}
- The command /armorplus has been updated and changed a bit
- Now the init phases of the mod can be indicated with [ArmorPlus]
{Features Added}
- Almost all the Armors now have colored names
- The Super Star Armor Now is immune to Wither Effect
- The Ultimate Armor Now is immune to Wither Effect
{Bugs Fixed}
- ItemCreativeTab was throwing an error for missing json file (Removed the Item, useless)
- Fixed Achievements not working properly
- Added Arabic Support
- Added French Support
- Updated Lang Files with the latest information
{Features Changed}
- Changed the Configuration files path
{Bugs Fixed}
- Fixed Configuration Files
{Minecraft Version}
- Ported to Minecraft 1.9.4
{Features Changed}
- Added Armor Toughness to some Armors