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Feed The Beast Wiki

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17 May 2021

  • curprev 15:1015:10, 17 May 2021TandT5128 talk contribs 1,692 bytes 0 Created page with "== Liens Externes == * [https://forum.industrial-craft.net/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=13358 Advanced Machines on the IC2 Forums] * [https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projec..."
  • curprev 15:0915:09, 17 May 2021TandT5128 talk contribs 1,692 bytes −237 Created page with "Advanced Machines ajoute actuellement huit machines électriques à IndustrialCraft 2 qui améliorent la production de minerais. Elles correspondent aux versions améliorées..."
  • curprev 15:0715:07, 17 May 2021TandT5128 talk contribs 1,929 bytes +52 Created page with "'''Advanced Machines''' est un addon d'{{L|IndustrialCraft 2}}. Il est originellement créé par {{L|Zippinus}}, puis, plus tard, il a été mis à jour et réécrit par {{L|A..."
  • curprev 15:0415:04, 17 May 2021TandT5128 talk contribs 1,877 bytes +4 Created page with "{{About{{L}}|la version de Chochead de Advanced Machines||Advanced Machines}}"
  • curprev 15:0415:04, 17 May 2021TandT5128 talk contribs 1,873 bytes +1,873 Created page with "Advanced Machines (Chocohead)"