On this page, the changelog for the mod Advanced Genetics can be found. It can also be found on ObsiLP's website. This page is almost a direct copy of the changelog on ObsiLP's website, although it has been formatted and properly linked for the wiki.
Minecraft 1.7[]
- EDIT: Increased combustion generator output.
- FIXED: Morehealth prevented players from dying.
- FIXED: Yet another NPE in the breeder.
- FIXED: A gui bug no one noticed.
- FIXED: Heal crystal render bug.
- EDIT: Better seeded random function.
- ADD: Skin scales are now stackable!
- FIXED: Reduced memory consumption.
- EDIT: Better API compatibility.
- FIXED: DNA Analyser bug.
- FIXED: Registered stone sticks properly in ore dictionary.
- FIXED: Jump, Resistance and Nightvision Gene.
- FIXED: NPE in Microscope and DNA Breeder.
- FIXED: Illegal prefix console spamming (backup your world!).
- FIXED: Wrong blood doesn't kill entities instantly anymore.
- FIXED: Hopefully fixed annoying Memory Leak.
- ADD: RF Support.
- FIXED: Infinite Health issue.
- FIXED: DNA Breeder issue.
- FIXED: DNA Insulator ISidedInventory issue.
- FIX: The ..... Package-Handling issue.
- TWEAK: Combustion Generator generates now more energy for one Coal.
- FIX: Hopefully Package-Handling bugs are now fixed...
- FIX: 'Swim in Lava' ability heals you instead of just preventing you from taking damage.
- FIX: Package overflow on clients.
- FIX: 'Milk producer-Ability Iron-Shovel Ghost Item'-Bug.
- FIX: Chat got spammed when Genes are disabled.
- FIX: Microscope bugs.
- FIX: Nightvision bug.
- FIX: Advanced Genetics 1.5.1 crashed on servers by loading.
- ADD: Homeostasis Tube.
- ADD: Cave Spider Gene.
- FIX: More Hearts multiplication issue.
- FIX: Teleporting with ability caused damage.
- FIX: Crash by typing help command with AdvGen-Commands.
- TWEAK: Heal Crystal heals less than before.
- FIX: Combustion Generator consumes also container items.
- FIX: Ender Dragon crashed the game by right-clicking.
- ADD: Nightvision ability.
- ADD: Genetic Bow can shoot Scraper and Syringes.
- ADD: Dispensers can shoot Scraper and Syringes.
- TWEAK: Block textures.
- ADD: Positive potion effects by injecting Antidote Syringe.
- ADD: Achievements.
- TWEAK: Auto Output Upgrade also extracts into chest.
- ADD: Command to edit Syringes.
- TWEAK: DNA Auto Splitter only extracts Basic-Genes when the Helix contains it.
- ADD: Localization-Files.
- TWEAK: Performance updates.
- TWEAK: A lot internal changes.
- TWEAK: No potion effects by abilities.
Minecraft 1.6[]
- FIX: Chat got spammed when Genes are disabled.
- FIX: Microscope bugs.
- FIX: Package overflow.
- FIX: DNA Breeder Null-Pointer-Exception.
- ADD: Auto Input-Output to Auto Scraper and DNA Insulator.
- FIX: Microscope recipe bug.
- FIX: Some internal bugs.
- FIX: Stew-Ability causes crashes.
- TWEAK: Shears gets less damage by shearing animals.
- TWEAK: Damage behavior of Heal Crystal.
- FIX: Death Enderchest issue.
- FIX: Multiplayer ID-Missmatched issue.
- ADD: Genetic Bow.
- TWEAK: Infinity-Ability requires Genetic Bow.
- ADD: Option to decide whether bosses can be cloned in the DNA Cloner.
- TWEAK: Particles by destroying DNA Cloner.
- TWEAK: DNA Insulator texture.
- ADD: Auto Scraper can have the Auto Output Upgrade.
- FIX: DNA Transmutator and Auto Scraper GUI issues.
- ADD: Insulated Cell.
- ADD: Insulated Helix.
- ADD: DNA Cloner.
- ADD: Antidote Syringe.
- ADD: Zombie-Gene.
- ADD: Advanced DNA Dictionary.
- TWEAK: Config-Files are more clearer.
- FIX: Game crashed sometimes when extracting blood.
- FIX: Microscope crash.
- FIX: Death Enderchest crash.
- FIX: DNA Breeder crash.
- FIX: NEI crashed when looking at recipes.
- TWEAK: When you have Withers hit, the wither effect won't effect you.
- FIX: Microscope crafting fix.
- FIX: You got Falldamage when using the Climb-Gene.
- ADD: Microscope.
- TWEAK: List of abilities under Syringe.
- FIX: NEI bugs.
- ADD: Auto Scraper.
- TWEAK: Crafting for Combustion Generator.
- FIX: Game crashes sometimes when joining world.
- FIX: DNA Breeder causes crashes sometimes.
- ADD: Climb-Ability.
- FIX: All Genes were deleted after traveling to the end.
- ADD: Heal Crystal can now be placed as a block.
- ADD: Avoid Creeper-Ability.
- FIX: Console was spamming with a conflict from IC2.
- FIX: Machines didn't work with 16 Overclockers.
- ADD: Shift-clicking in DNA Breeder.
- TWEAK: Powerbalance.
- ADD: Machines need more then the half of full energy to start a progress.
- ADD: Charging animation.
- ADD: You can change the amount of used energy per progress in the configs.
- FIX: Command errors.
- FIX: More Heards-Ability hearts weren't regenerate.
- ADD: No annoying practices when have Hightjump- or Speed-Ability.
- ADD: Auto Output Upgrade.
- FIX: Errors by placing machines.
- TWEAK: Progress bar was jumping back- and forward.
- FIX: Spelling mistake in some items descriptions.
- FIX: Commands were not working.
- FIX: Ability 'Withers Hit' wasn't working.
- ADD: Infinity-Ability.
- ADD: Death Enderchest.
- TWEAK: 'Save you inventory'-Ability is now working a bit different.
- FIX: Powerbars weren't synced server- and clientside.
- ADD: Slimy-Ability.
- FIX: Ender Dragon wasn't dropping Skin Scales.
- ADD: Random damage when extracting blood.
- TWEAK: You get more extra hearts with the 'More hearts'-Ability.
- ADD: Special looking for Heal Crystal.
- TWEAK: ISided was completely overridden.
- ADD: Machines need a minimal energy level before starting their work.
- TWEAK: Syringe doesn't save you DNA anymore. So you can add Genes from an empty Syringe to your DNA.
- ADD: Entity blacklist for 'Scraper'.
- ADD: Redstone Flux compatibility.
- FIX: Scraper stack bug.
- And also a lot of internal changes.
- TWEAK: ISided was rewritten.
- FIX: Game crashed when you tried to get Skin Scales from a player.
- TWEAK: API is completely rewritten.
- ADD: Combustion Generator machine.
- ADD: Machines now require energy.
- ADD: Machines can be charged with IC2 energy (Energy Units).
- TWEAK: You can only eat grass ('Eat Grass'-Ability) when you've nothing in your hand.
- FIX: 2 Genes prevented entities from taking damage.
- TWEAK: New textures for Heal Crystal, Overclocker, Auto Output Upgrade and Basic DNA Dictionary.
- FIX: Animals died when you tried to add Genes to them.
- ADD: DNA Auto Splitter: It returns always basic Genes.
- FIX: Performance is much better.
- TWEAK: Removed Zomm-Function of Magnifier.
- ADD: API for Advanced Genetics.
- TWEAK: Second output slot is now next to the first one.
- ADD: Organic Drops are now fuel (1,5 Item can be smelt).
- TWEAK: Overclocker is cheaper.
- ADD: ISided in all blocks.
- ADD: No fire damge from fire when you have Pigman-Gene.
- ADD: All output slots aren't valid for items anymore.
- FIX: Game crashed when you applied DNA to a mob.
- FIX: Gamemode changing from 1 to 0 destroyed fly-gene.
- TWEAK: 'More life' is now called 'More hearts'.
- ADD: Mobblood is now different than Playerblood.
- ADD: Mobblood now kills Player and otherwise.
- FIX: Syringe-hover-bug.
- FIX: Fly Gene.
- FIX: Endercrystal bugs.
- FIX: Milk Gene bug.
- FIX: Shift bug in all containers.
- ADD: Genes can now transmutate in every breeding state.
- TWEAK: Removed water damage animation.
- TWEAK: FOV is now normal when using speed Gene.
- ADD: Commands for genes (/gene).
- ADD: Hardness to blocks.
- ADD: All Genes are now in the Creative inventory.
- ADD: Overclocker amount of a block is now shown in its inventory
- FIX: All keybinding bugs and the fly bug.
- TWEAK: The Scraper takes durability damage now.
- TWEAK:: An entity takes damage when right-clicked with a Scraper.
- FIX: A bug where there was no damage in lava.
- ADD: The Overclocker for machines.
- ADD: 1 Gene.
- TWEAK: 'Encoder' is now called 'Decrypter'.
- ADD: Two 'In breeding' Genes can now be bred together.
- TWEAK: All genes in a Syringe are now listed in the item-tag.
- FIX: GUI bug with the DNA Splitter
- FIX: DNA Remover bug that made the game crash.
- ADD: Climb-Ability.
- FIXED: All genes were deleted after traveling to the end.
- ADD: Heal Crystal can now be placed as a block.
- ADD: Avoid Creeper-Ability.
- FIXED: Console was spamming with a conflict from IC2.
- FIXED: Machines doesn't work with 16 Overclokers [sic].
- ADD: Shiftclicking in DNA Breeder.
- EDIT: Powerbalance.
- ADD: Machines need more then the half of full energy to start a progress.
- ADD: Charging animation.
- ADD: You can change the amount of used energy per progress in the configs.
- FIXED: Command errors.
- FIXED: More Heards-Ability hearts weren't regenerate.
- ADD: No annoying praticels when have Hightjump- or Speed-Ability.
- ADD: Auto Output Upgrade.
- FIXED: Errors by placing machines.
- EDIT: Progressbar were jumping back- and forward.
- FIXED: Spelling mistake in some items descriptions.
- FIXED: Commands were not working.
- FIXED: Ability 'Withers Hit' wasn't working.
- ADD: Infinity-Ability.
- ADD: Deathenderchest.
- EDIT: 'Save you inventory'-Ability is now working a bit different.
- FIXED: Powerbars weren't synced server- and clientside.
- ADD: Slimy-Ability.
- FIXED: Enderdragon wasn't dropping skinscales.
- ADD: Random damage when extracting blood.
- EDIT: You get more extra hearts by 'More hearts'-Ability.
- ADD: Special looking for healcrystal.
- EDIT: ISided was completely overriden.
- ADD: Machines need a minimal energy level before starting their work.
- EDIT: Syringe doesn't save you DNA anymore. So you can add genes from an empty syringe to your DNA.
- ADD: Entity blacklist for 'Scraper'.
- ADD: Redstone Flux compatibility.
- FIXED: Scraper stack bug.
- And also a lot of internal changes.