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Feed The Beast Wiki
Modicon 4-Space
Current developersMattparks
Supported Minecraft versions1.7.10

4-Space is a mod by Mattparks/en. It adds many new ores, planets and moons. It is an addon to /enGalacticraft.

Planets and Moons

All planets and moons added by 4-Space are accessed by rockets.


Mercury/en is the planet closest to the sun and can be accessed using a /enTier 2 Rocket or higher. Light gray colored /enMercury Surface Rock covers the surface of Mercury. Large mountains, craters, caves, ravines and dungeons can be found on Mercury.

Mercury has no oxygen, is very hot during the daytime and is very cold in the nighttime. The player will have to wear the entire Oxygen System (/enOxygen Mask, /enOxygen Gear and /enOxygen Tank) and /enThermal Padding to survive.

/enMercury Iridium Ore, /enMercury Meteor Ore, /enMercury Tin Ore, /enMercury Copper Ore, /enMercury Crystal Ore and /enMercury Gold Ore are the ores that generate in Mercury.

The gravity on Mercury is 38% the gravity on the /enOverworld.

/enEvolved Zombies, /enEvolved Spiders, /enEvolved Skeletons, and /enEvolved Creepers spawn on Mercury.


/enVenus is the planet that is the second closest to the sun and can be accessed using a /enTier 2 Rocket or higher. Yellow-colored /enVenus Surface Rock covers the surface of Venus, with a layer of /enVenus Sub-surface Rock and /enVenus Rock underneath it. Large mountains, craters, caves, ravines, dungeons, small lava pits, /enBlaze Pits, and /enVenus Villagees can be found on Venus.

Although Venus has a thick atmosphere there is no oxygen in it. Venus is always very hot. The player will have to wear the entire Oxygen System and /enThermal Padding to survive.

/enVenus Coal Ore, /enVenus Copper Ore, /enVenus Crystal Ore, /enVenus Ruby Ore, /enVenus Uranium Ore, /enVenus Sulfur Ore, /enVenus Iron Ore and /enVenus Tin Ore are the ores that generate on Venus.

The gravity on Venus is 91% the gravity on the /enOverworld.

/enEvolved Zombies, /enEvolved Skeletons, /enEvolved Spiders, /enEvolved Creepers and /enEvolved Blazees spawn on Venus.

Gas Giants

The Gas Giants (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) cannot be accessed as there is no solid ground for the player to land on. However, Jupiter can be seen in the sky on its moons.

Jupiter's Moons

These are the moons of Jupiter that exists in 4-Space. Jupiter, the Sun, and the other moons can be seen on the sky of all Jupiter's moons. Meteors can be seen on Jupiter's moons.


/enCallisto is one of Jupiter's moons. It can be accessed using a /enTier 3 Rocket or higher. Black /enCallisto Surface Rock covers the surface of Callisto, with a layer of /enCallisto Sub-surface Rock and /enCallisto Rock underneath it. Callisto have generally flat terrain. Craters, caves and some ravines can be found on Callisto, and Callisto do not have it's own dungeon.

Callisto is very cold and has no atmosphere. The player will have to wear the entire Oxygen System and /enThermal Padding to survive.

No ores generate on Callisto and the gravity on Callisto is 13% the gravity on the /enOverworld.

/enEvolved Zombies, /enEvolved Spiders, /enEvolved Skeletons, and /enEvolved Creepers spawn on Callisto.


/enEuropa is one of Jupiter's moons. It can be accessed using a /enTier 3 Rocket or higher. /enEuropa Surface Ice covers the surface of Europa, and a layer of /enCompressed Europa Ice and /enEuropa Ice generates below. Europa have generally flat terrain. Craters and underground /enEuropa Water pools are generated on Europa.

Europa is very cold, and have no atmosphere. The player will have to wear the entire Oxygen System and /enThermal Padding to survive.

No ores generate on Europa and the gravity here is 13% the gravity on the /enOverworld.

/enEvolved Zombies, /enEvolved Spiders, /enEvolved Skeletons, and /enEvolved Creepers spawn on Europa.


/enIo is one of Jupiter's moons. It can be accessed using a /enTier 3 Rocket or higher. /enIo Surface Rock covers the surface of Io, with a layer of /enIo Sub-surface Rock and /enIo Cobblestone underneath it. Craters, caves, mountains, ravines, /enLava pools and dungeons are found on Io.

Io is very cold and has no atmosphere. The player will have to wear the entire Oxygen System and /enThermal Padding to survive.

/enIo Sulfur Ore generates on Io. The gravity on Io is 18% the gravity on the /enOverworld.

/enEvolved Zombies, /enEvolved Skeletons, /enEvolved Spiders, /enEvolved Creepers and /enEvolved Blazees spawn on Io.


/enPluto is a dwarf planet and is accessed using a /enTier 3 Rocket or higher. /enPluto Surface Rock covers the surface of Pluto, with a layer of /enPluto Sub-surface Rock and /enPluto Rock underneath it. Craters, caves, mountains, ravines and dungeons are found on Pluto. Meteors can be seen on Pluto.

Pluto is very cold and has no atmosphere. The player will have to wear the entire Oxygen System and /enThermal Padding to survive.

/enPluto Ununpentium Ore, /enPluto Sapphire Ore, and /enPluto Frozen Iron Ore generate on Pluto. The gravity on Pluto is 7% the gravity on the /enOverworld.

/enEvolved Zombies, /enEvolved Skeletons, /enEvolved Spiders, /enEvolved Creepers and /enEvolved Blazees spawn on Pluto.


/enElipse is an exoplanet of the star Gliese 581G. It can be accessed using a /enTier 3 Rocket or higher. /enElipse Surface Rock covers the surface of Elipse, and a layer of /enElipse Sub-Surface Rock and /enElipse Rock generates under. Craters, caves, mountains, ravines and dungeons generates on Elipse. Meteors can be seen on Elipse.

Elipse is very hot and has no atmosphere. The player will have to wear the entire Oxygen System and /enThermal Padding to survive.

/enElipse Flamite Ore generates on Elipse. The gravity on Elipse is 113% the gravity on the /enOverworld.

/enEvolved Zombies, /enEvolved Skeletons, /enEvolved Spiders, /enEvolved Creepers, and /enEvolved Blazes spawns on Elipse.

Generated Structures


Dungeons generate on /enMercury, /enVenus, /enIo, /enPluto and /enElipse. They consist of a hole leading from the surface to the dungeon, corridors, mob spawners, a boss room, and a treasure room. The mob spawners can spawn any mob that spawns naturally in the dimension the dungeon is in.

The boss room always spawn an /enEvolved Creeper Boss when the player enters it. The Evolved Creeper Boss drops a /enTier 2 Dungeon Key which can be used to unlock a /enTier 2 Treasure Chest in the Treasure Room.

Blaze Pit

/enBlaze Pits generates commonly on Venus. They are a 3 block by 3 block hole on the ground with brick walls surrounding it. /enEvolved Blaze Eggs generate inside. The structure extends to the surface and the brick walls generate upwards a few blocks. Cobwebs and incomplete brick floors also generate inside. The structure usually dead ends after 15~25 blocks.

Venus Village

/enVenus Villages generates on Venus. /enVenusian Villagers spawns in Venus Villages. Venus Villages consists of roads, a well, houses, wooden huts and fields. Streetlights also generate beside the roads.


Currently, 4-Space adds in 2 mobs, which are:

  • /enEvolved Blaze, a blaze-like mob that spawns on Venus, Io, Pluto and Elipse. They shoot fireballs, and drop /enVenus Rods.
  • /enVenusian Villager, a villager-like mob that spawns in Venus Villages. They do not have any trades.

External links

4-Space/en/enNavbox 4-Space
